how to convert text into table Easy tips with step by step solutions

You can also convert the text of a Word document into table. Usually, the tab is used as separator between columns. It means, the text is arranged into columns by inserting tabs and then it can very easily be converted into table. You can also use commas as separators to create the columns.

To convert text into table, follow these steps.

Separate the text of document by using commas, tabs etc., press Enter key after each record and then select these texts.
Select "Convert" command from Table menu, a submenu appears.
Select "Convert text to Table" from submenu, "Convert Text to Table" dialog box appears.
Enter number of columns, text separator and select other options from the dialog box and click "Ok" button.
EXAMPLE: Convert the texts that are given below into table.
John         USA            23
Mikal       UK              20
Tony        Canada        52
Tome       Turkey         02

Steps to convert the above text into table are:
Select the text.
Select "Convert" command from Table menu, a submenu appears.
Select "Convert text to Table" from submenu, "Convert Text to Table" dialog box appears.
Enter number of columns, text separator and select other options from the dialog box and click "Ok" button. The above texts are converted into tableas below.

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