Types of Forests in India Composition for children

Types of Forests in India

Plants and trees that grows naturally in a region of land is known as vegetation. Forests are large area of land, covered by naturally grown plants and trees.

Vegetation in India is not uniform. Climate, soil and rainfall influence the growth of plants.

Indian forests are broadly classified into five types. They are

1Evergreen Forests

2Monsoon Forests

3Mangrove Forests

4Thorn Forests

5Himalayan Forests

Evergreen Forests

These forests are found in the areas of the Western Ghats, the eastern parts of Himalayas and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. These forests get lots of rain. Bamboo, Rosewood and Sandalwood are common trees here.

Monsoon Forests

Peninsular India and the northern parts of India are covered by monsoon forests. These forests get moderate rains. The trees shed their leaves during summer because of less rainfall.

Mangrove Forests

These are seen in the Indian coastal line, in the Ganga delta and Brahmaputra region, in some backwater areas and salt marshes. The roots of the trees of most forests are found usually under the ground. But salt water trees like Avicennia, have aerial roots which are above the water in order to survive in the salt water. These prevent soil erosion and prevent fertile soil from being washed away into the ocean.

Thorn Forests

They are found in the areas which receive less than 50 cm rainfall. Parts of the Deccan Plateau and Rajasthan have thorny trees like Acacia, Babul and Palmyra.

Himalayan Forests

You can find trees like Pine, Cedar, Oak, Walnut and Apple. We can also see some on these trees in Nilgiris and Kodi Hills.

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